We offer you the option to have your puppy desexed by the veterinarian of Puppies Downunder Dr. Vivian Stockhil.
Dr. Stockhil has extensive experience desexing the puppies at Puppies Downunder over 15 years. Over this period of time there is no evidence to indicate our puppies have suffered any negative implications from the desexing procedure.
If you have purchased you puppy and it is less than 8 week of age we can book your puppy in with our vet to be desexed when it turns 8 weeks of age.

The procedure is quick and non evasive. The recovery time for a puppy is fast and at this age the puppies seldom have any adverse reactions to the procedure. Following the procedure the team at Puppies Downunder will care for your puppy and engage with the veterinarian multiple times over the recovery period.
At 10 weeks of age you puppy will be completely recovered and there will be no further after care required. This gives you peace of mind so you can focus on your new puppy and help it settle into it’s new home.