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Should You Get a Puppy for Christmas?

Writer: Puppies DownunderPuppies Downunder

Santa brings all sorts of wonderful gifts on Christmas morning!

From toys and clothes to vacations, games, and technology, there is bound to be

something special for everyone under the tree.

But one present you should think twice about?

A puppy.

As the preferred breeders of Oodle puppies worldwide, Puppies Downunder knows

how magical it is to add a dog to the family. Bringing home a puppy should be a

happy event. Yet the reality is, every year thousands of puppies are impulsively

bought as gifts and later abandoned in shelters. This can turn a joyous occasion into a stressful disaster.

So, before getting an Oodle puppy for Christmas, think carefully!

Puppy for Christmas: 3 Things to Consider

Did you know?

Statistics show that in the months of January and February (immediately following the holiday season) the number of puppies surrendered to shelters skyrockets. In fact, online searches of people wanting to give up their dog increased by approximately 8% around this time – yikes. According to Dogs Trust, a British animal welfare charity and humane society, “20% of dog owners spend less than two weeks researching before buying a dog.”

Even more worrisome?

One in ten people admitted their dog was a Christmas gift.

What often happens is the cuteness of the puppy wears off as reality sets in. The two biggest reasons dogs end up in shelters are because:

1) Behavioural problems (due to lack of training)

2) Owners feel they don’t have enough time to care for a puppy

No dog breed is immune. Even popular ones like Labradoodles, Spoodles, Groodles, Aussiedoodles, and Bordoodles are surrendered.

Therefore, before getting a puppy for Christmas, be sure to consider the following.


First, let’s talk about time. Raising a puppy is akin to having a baby…those little

furballs will demand hours of your attention! When puppies are young, they can only go 2-3 hours between toilet breaks. They also need constant supervision to prevent destructive behaviors such as chewing, digging, howling, etc. and form healthy

human-animal bonds.

Between work and other commitments, do you have the time?


Secondly, before giving or receiving a puppy for Christmas, assess your finances.

This Pets in Australia report points out that in the first year alone, a dog will cost

between $3,000 and $6,000. This includes expenses like veterinary bills, medications, spaying/neutering, insurance, grooming, dental care, food, toys, clothing and

accessories, training classes…the list goes on and on.

Gifting a puppy can put a huge financial strain on budgets.


Lastly, honestly evaluate the would-be puppy parent’s lifestyle.

Puppies are a 24/7 commitment. Dogs cannot be left alone for too long. Otherwise,

they risk developing separation anxiety. Regardless of whether the sun is shining or

rain is pouring down, that puppy will require regular walks. Not to mention, high-

energy dogs – like Labradoodles, Aussiedoodles, and Bordoodles – will need active


Does your lifestyle match the breed you want?

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, puppies can successfully be given or received as Christmas presents.

However, it all depends on how prepared an individual is. Remember, a dog is for

life. Owning a pet is truly a lifetime responsibility. If you are looking to purchase an Oodle puppy this Christmas, consult with the team at PDU so they can find the right puppy suitable for your lifestyle. Refer to our website and contact us at 0499912709.

Puppies Downunder wishes you a Merry Christmas!



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